The Weblog

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Market News, Please read

I don’t know why the email didn’t go out this week my apologies. We are sold out. From this time on when your order is not picked up I will credit it to your account and you will have to reorder next week. I had several large orders that had not been picked up and they want them this week which cut down on the product available for everyone else.This has caused a problem to the customers who are on time and regularly pick up their orders. I know things come up but in all fairness to everyone you will have to get a credit and reorder product at another time. Also when you send me emails through the co-op if you don’t sign your name I can’t respond the website doesn’t automatically give your info. We are in the process of buying better cows and getting rid of the cows from our last source which are not producing enough milk or gaining the condition that they need to work for us. These new cows will have to be weaned off of their rations slowly so to keep producing milk and not dry up.

They are quality cows and will be good producers after the adjustment.However Jerseys are hard to come by and we have had to go out of state to purchase. Mike and his son will be traveling the end of this week to get them.They will have to travel non-stop to get them here between milkings.
We are anticipating a 3-5 weeks adjustment period. We are checking into the feed at the moment and it will be non-GMO and will be given at the minimal amount to keep cows in condition. By the end of March and beginning of April(if weather conditions hold) we will be getting our spring grass and everything will be back to 100% grass fed and the great milk that everyone is use to.
Not all the cows are fresh at this time but this will help in their transition period.They are due to calve soon and lets hope they have heifers for future milkers.
Thank you for your understanding through this process it is not by choice but is our only option.
Teresa and Mike Alday